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AI: Friend or Foe of Science Communication?

How does AI impact science communication? Hear from scicomm expert Brian Lin and join the conversation this 18 April!

Event Ended

1 Hour

Event start date

18 04 2024

What you’ll get

Science communication

Time & Location

18 Apr 2024, 10:00 am - 18 Apr 2024, 11:00 am

Zoom Webinar

About The Event


#Fact: Generative AI has transformed our creative process.


Tools like ChatGPT and Gemini, among many others, have changed the way we craft narratives and even visuals for a variety of purposes and across different platforms.


But when it comes to science communication, how far can it really go? What are the limits of AI in this field?


This April, join us as we tackle this important topic at our upcoming fireside chat.


Hear from scicomm expert, Brian Lin, Director of Editorial Content Strategy at EurekAlert! AAAS on how to navigate science communication in the age of AI.


In this one-hour session, let’s discuss:


⦿ Skills and strategies for building a career in science communication

⦿ The impact of AI on scicomm; pros and cons

⦿ How to be an effective science communicator in an AI-driven world Admission is complimentary.


Simply register here to join the conversation on 18 April.



| About the Speaker |


Brian Lin oversees EurekAlert!, a non-profit news release distribution platform operated by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).


He has more than two decades of experience as a science communicator, having interned at a national daily technology TV show in Canada before serving as a press officer at the University of British Columbia, where he helped communicate scientific and medical research while developing and delivering media training for faculty and students.


Since joining AAAS in 2014, he has more than tripled web traffic at EurekAlert! and led the development of a new platform that launched in 2021.


He has spoken at conferences and held workshops on four continents and his current focus is expanding access to EurekAlert! in low- and middle-income countries and fostering diversity, equity and inclusion in and through science communication.



This program is proudly brought to you by the EcosySTEM, a community of STEM professionals in Asia.